Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Pd Proxy


With the high internet prices in Uganda, Here is a very easy way to connect cheaply to the internet.
Pd proxy is a vpn provider which provides you with unlimited connection to the internet at a very cheap price of about 48,000 Ugx or just $19.
Isn't this amazing? Surf the internet, download torrents, Download all files of any size and Stream all kinds of videos.

You can download PD Proxy from their website here
After that register for a free account still on their website. With a free account, you get 100mb of Data every day. This can help you surf the internet and perform a few downloads. But with their high speed internet, you need to have the cheap unlimited bandwidth which you can get by registering for a premium account.

Some of you work for companies which limit the websites you can visit, but with Pd Proxy, you surf annonimously, and so you will be in position to surf all these sites.

Comparing Pd Proxy with other providers, Pd Proxy is amazingly faster than any other on the market today.

You do not have to wait. grab a free account form their website here

By James Propa

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